Rose São Tomé Stone

A Pedra São Tomé Rosa é um quartzito originado das jazidas de São Thomé das Letras (MG). Essa pedra é bem-quista pelos arquitetos, devido a sua harmonia e por ser totalmente lisa e robusta, é um dos quartzitos mais cobiçados. Ela também pode ser aplicada mesclada com outros tipos de pedras, como a Pedra São Tomé Amarela.

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All are quartzite, a variation of veneered stones with a high concentration of silica, present especially in the state of Minas Gerais. The names vary according to the region and the strategy of those who sell them. But in terms of origin and quality, they present significant differences:

• STONE SÃO TOMÉ: It originates in the city of São Thomé das Letras, in the south of Minas Gerais. Its outstanding characteristics are: the smooth and regular face, and the availability of yellowish, light, pink and green colors. It has a lot of resistance to friction and is very hard, being considered a product of extreme beauty, durability and ability to combine with other natural products. In addition, it does not absorb heat, is non-slip and withstands high weight and friction loads. It is considered the best quartzite in the world, being exported to several continents.

• PEDRA MINEIRA: Originally from the Serra da Canastra region, in the Southwest of Minas Gerais, its most striking features are the irregular face, lack of color definition (ranging from light to gray, passing through yellow and pink), low friction resistance and low hardness, and can often “crumble”. Also known as Waffer Stone due to the fact that it “falls apart” when subjected to friction or washed with pressure pumps. Its low durability, the “crumbles” of the parts and the presence of many “veins” on its sides are unmistakable marks of its low quality and low durability.

Pedra São Tomé is synonymous with quality and long durability.
To confirm which stone is being offered, it is possible to require the supplier to prove the origin of the material. If the origin is from the cities of Alpinópolis, Guapé, São José da Barra, Gouveia, São João Batista do Glória, Ilicínea, Carranquinha, you are certainly not buying the legitimate Pedra São Tomé. Another suggestion is to check the quality of the stone itself. Check if the stone does not crumble with friction, if it is not soft (just hold the sides and try to move them), if the sides do not have numerous veins (layers), if the face is not too rough or with the presence of steps and bumps. Also check the price. If the price difference is more than 25%, it is worth investigating. Another relevant aspect is color. Only Pedra São Tomé offers light and pink colors, in addition to greenish and yellowish.

The industrial cut stone has its side cut with a diamond tool, making it smooth and regular, being ideal for laying with a dry joint (stones glued together) or with grouts up to 0.3 cm. It is recommended for areas with a more refined finish and aimed at symmetries.

Standard Sizes – Sawn Cut

(15x3) (17x37) (22x47) (27x57) (37x57) (37x37) (47x47) (57x57)

The Stone Corte Rústico has its side cut with a chisel and is straight, but with irregularities, similar to the face of the fillets / hominy. It has a strong appeal for the rustic and composition with natural products. It allows the use of Pedra São Tomé in an excellent cost-benefit composition. It is recommended for laying with grout from 1.5 to 2.0 cm.

Standard Sizes – Manual Cut

( 18 x 33 ) ( 20 x 40 ) ( 25 x 50 ) ( 30 x 60 ) x ( 40 x 60 ) ( 40 x 40 ) ( 50 x 50 ) ( 60 x 60 )

A lot depends on the work of the environment and its harmonization with the project and the “energy” that is intended to give the house. However, for outdoor environments and exposed to a lot of light and “dirt”, mixed and yellowish tones may be more suitable. But always in accordance with the complete housing project. It is recommended to consult an architect or decorator to evaluate in detail the whole of the house.

The stones leave the deposit with a thickness between 0.5 cm and 5.0 cm. Typically, the thinner ones are used as baseboards or wall coverings (0.8 cm to 1.2 cm). For floors, they are used in thicknesses between 1.0 cm and 3.5 cm. Thicker pieces such as excavations and slabs (2.0 cm to 4.0 cm) are used as steps, placed on lawns or areas, and can even support the weight of heavy vehicles. Raised floors are on average 5.0 cm thick. The secret for stones and floors to support high weight is to be fully seated on the subfloor and without any surface that creates a situation of leverage. If São Tomé quartzite is laid correctly, it can support significant weights.

Not. One of the main characteristics of São Tomé quartzite that cannot be copied or imitated by ceramics and cement floors is its ability to not absorb heat. Even under the intense sun, Pedra São Tomé remains at a pleasant temperature, never “burning” people's skin. Therefore, it is the most recommended product for swimming pools, saunas and leisure areas. This is due to its physicochemical composition. The genuine São Tomé quartzite has more than 95% of pure silica. The stones that heat up usually have ferruginous components that react under heat and sun.

Due to its thermal properties, São Tomé quartzite does not become smooth when wet and does not have sharp areas that can injure people when barefoot and with wet feet. In addition, they allow combinations with several other products, allowing the creativity and good taste of architects, decorators and people who appreciate their homes to emerge naturally.

Each product has its most suitable packaging and is easier to handle. As a rule, stones, edges, shards, steps and molds are delivered in pallets weighing approximately 1,500 kg. The fillets / canjiquinha are accommodated in palletized boxes with the same weight as the stones.

In some regions, the delivery of purchased material is carried out by outsourced transport. When the acquisition is equivalent to a complete truck load, the freight will be exclusive and, as soon as the material is ready, it is sent directly to the customer. However, when the quantity purchased does not fill the total space of the truck, it is sought to compose the shipment with other customers or even other products. In this modality, the delivery time may take a little longer until the most adequate load-sharing condition is achieved.

It depends on the type of truck and its ability to be “approved” on highway scales. On average, a m2 of Pedra São Thomé weighs 55 kg. Therefore, a truck with a capacity of 14.5 tons will load approximately 280m2. A trailer with a capacity of 22 tons will load approximately 400m2.

As they are palletized packages, they can be unloaded with forklifts or munck trucks. This equipment is recommended when they are closed loads or in large quantities. Another alternative is to download manually. In both cases, zeal and care are recommended to avoid unnecessary breakages and losses.

On average 15 days for deliveries in the states of Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. For the other states, if it is not exclusive freight, adequate planning will be carried out for the capture and sharing of the load.

It will be up to the purchaser to provide the download.

They are widely used in the form of covering walls, baseboards, mosaics and floors. There is no contraindication for its internal use, as long as it is in harmony with the housing project. It is not recommended to use it in kitchens or places exposed to grease, oils, etc. If you still want to install them in these places, apply silicone-based waterproofing more often.

Shards or patches are smaller pieces of stone that have not reached the standard minimum stone size. They have irregular shapes and no standardization. They also follow the pattern of stones in terms of thickness, color and face. Because they are a little “smaller” and do not have the standardized sizes of stones, they are sold at more attractive prices, but preserve the same characteristics of beauty and durability of industrial-cut stone and rustic-cut stone.

The first requirement is the design of the work. The use of stones has to follow the harmony of the whole. Another criterion is cost. In terms of meeting the coating, thermal protection and non-slip, they both meet. They are distinguished by their beauty and the respective cost of raw material and labor.

A very thin stone up to 1.0 cm thick is not recommended for flooring. Above 1.0 cm can be used normally like any other floor. However, to obtain this resistance, the subfloor needs to be completely level, without bubbles, boulders or unevenness that can become a “lever”. Under leverage, the resistance of any floor is compromised.

First, it is necessary to clarify that São Tomé quartzite is a natural product, and may vary in color and tone. Eventually, after laying, the stone tends to intensify its yellowish, greenish or pinkish hue, due to a chemical reaction to the cement. Normally, after drying the dough, it tends to return to its original color, be it light, yellowish, pinkish or greenish. To preserve the shade of São Thomé quartzite, it must be laid with mortar or a layer of white cement must be applied on the counter face before laying it. It is recommended to wait for the white cement to dry before starting the process. The stone may change its hue for a period and return to a light color after a few days.

Yup. Before laying the stone on the subfloor, the contact face must be coated with a layer of white cement and allowed to dry before laying it. Significantly reduces the stone's reaction to the chemical components of cement. Another alternative is to use white cement or stone mortar.

Payments can be made in installments or in cash. The most used modalities are bank slips, checks and bank deposits. In all cases, installment purchases will require cadastral approval. In the cash purchase option, for the possibility of applying a discount, it will be verified case by case, depending on the material and its availability.

This product is known in some regions as fillet and in others as canjiquinha, especially in the state of São Paulo. It is recommended to start laying the fillet from the bottom up, so that the lower pieces serve as support for the ones that come “above” until the dough dries and guarantees firmness. The mass for laying can be the same as laying stones and floors.

As it is a porous product, it can absorb vegetable oils, minerals, greases and fats. It is recommended to apply a silicone-based waterproofing product. This product is found in swimming pool and construction supply stores. It is recommended to reapply the product every three years if it is exposed to too much friction or contaminants. In this way, the stone is completely waterproofed. We do not recommend the use of resin or acids.

Water and soap. Like all porous products, Pedras São Tomé need to be washed frequently, especially if they are kept in places with a lot of shade, humidity and exposed to water, earth, leaves or organic products. It is recommended not to let them get stained or slimy. If this occurs, you can use high pressure pumps, soap and other usual cleaning products. There are specific products for cleaning stones on the market, especially in swimming pool stores. Muriatic acid should not be used.

They influence a lot and you have to be very careful when choosing a professional. It is recommended to ask if he has experience with laying floors and São Tomé quartzites. If the mason does not have experience and technical competence, there is a risk of turning the work into an example of problems and bad aesthetics, like all other floors.

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  • +55 (35) 3226-1110
  • Av. São Vicente de Paula, 960. Luminárias – MG. CEP: 37.240-000

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