November Blue Madson

The color has changed, but the fight against cancer continues!

As in the Pink October campaign, now in Blue November, Madson is ready to take prevention and awareness-raising information.

The Blue November Campaign was created to prevent and fight prostate cancer, the second most common type of cancer among men. On our social networks we made an informative post about the signs and risks of prostate cancer, to guide both our employees and those who accompany us.

Sabemos que existe certo medo e preconceito de muitos homens com uma das formas de prevenção, o exame retal, mas essa é a forma mais eficaz de diagnosticar a doença. Homens também precisam cuidar da saúde! E por isso, a Madson Pedras apoia essa causa!


  • +55 (35) 3226-1110
  • Av. São Vicente de Paula, 960. Luminárias – MG. CEP: 37.240-000

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